Overview - Rebuild India Fund

The Fund places a strong emphasis on these ranking parameters to ensure that the selected community-based organisations are well equipped to make a positive impact on the communities they work with. All parameters are explored through transparent recorded conversations with prospective grantees recommended by nodes. Using a normalized scoring system that gives equal weightage to all criteria, the assessed organisations are presented to an independent Investment Committee for final selection.

Organizations are recommended by NGO networks working with NGOs across India. The NGOs are and ranked on a criteria based on three principles:

NGO selection

• Identification of vulnerable populations served by NGOs.

• Through the vulnerability framework, understand various aspects leading to the vulnerability of the community.

• Socio-economic status, political and institutional marginalization, individual agency and capacity, and geographical impact.

• Proximity: to assess the representation of proximate leaders with lived experiences of the challenges and needs of the target community.

• Inclusivity: to assess the representation of leaders from socially disadvantaged and neglected groups (based on caste, gender, religion, and disability).

• Assess the extent of the NGO's direct engagement with communities.

• Assess the inclusion of community voices toward building community leadership & sustaining impact.

• Organization to meet full compliance criteria including FCRA renewal certificate, incorporation/trust certificate/certificate of registration, PAN card, 12A/501(C)(3), 80G renewal, 12A renewal, CSR certificate and SBI account details.Organization should not be a social or religious entity/have religious affiliation.

• Organization annual budget within INR 40L-5 crore, with a higher focus on organizations with budgets under INR 2.5 cr.


As a part of the sourcing process, established networks recommend their community-based partners to us. Referred as ‘Nodes’ or ‘Nodal partners’ are individuals or organizations from the larger non-profit sector that have worked with smaller organizations in various capacities.


At Rebuild, we operate as a platform that enables value exchange across and among stakeholders within the ecosystem. A key component of this is building the capacity of portfolio NGOs and enabling them to build a peer community. We do this via action-oriented learning and trust-based networks, and a combination of direct and partner driven delivery for increased accessibility and greater value exchange.

Our partner NGO interventions are enhancing social protection by building agencies, protecting rights, and supporting health and education infrastructure while nurturing the well-being of communities and NGO staff. With a focus on fostering India’s vulnerable communities, we have conducted 6 capacity building workshops for our NGO leaders to build a robust peer network for developing organizational, programmatic, and financial resilience in our portfolio.

The Rebuild India's Capacity Building Initiative strengthens capabilities of community-based organisations and educates funders on the importance of institutional capacity building, fueled by an equitable funding environment.

Rebuild India Fund adopts a partnership model to provide best-in-class solutions for smaller NGOs to navigate persistent challenges at an institutional, programmatic, and sector level. The support is progressive in nature, keeping in mind the growth cycle and the organization’s point of arrival at the end of 5 years, both contributing to capacity-building outputs. To keep grantee partners and funders invested, we interact with NGOs via multiple touchpoints.

The Rebuild India capacity building initiative takes a participatory approach to building the capabilities of proximate leaders, working alongside them to identify key areas that need strengthening to support vulnerable communities. Experienced external facilitators and sector experts are brought into workshops for selected NGO cohorts, creating a mix of case-study-based facilitation, peer and expert-led sessions and group activities.

The team hosts virtual and in-person workshops for the portfolio each year in a variety of formats, enabling leaders to learn, share their work, explore collaborative opportunities within and outside the Rebuild community.