Approach - Rebuild India Fund

Rebuild India Fund has designed an inclusive sourcing process that leverages our connections with nodal partners and established NGO networks that recommend organizations working with vulnerable communities. These recommended organizations, led by proximate leaders, face multiple systemic challenges in fundraising, collaboration, communication and exposure to the larger sector.

At inception, we recognize the barriers restricting the access and visibility of CBOs serving vulnerable communities. Communities at the precipice of rapid socio-economic change in India experience a complex cycle of vulnerabilities. This interplay of issues related to poverty, gender inequality, child protection, migration, health, food security, and climate change is intricately woven with entrenched norms that sustain acts of social exclusion.

The Rebuild Way champions proximate leadership to support communities and establish pathways for sustainable change. We do this using an intersectional approach from non-profit identification to selection. Together with our portfolio of NGO partners, we are co-creating our methods of grant-making, transparent participative governance, and subsequent reporting for impact.


All NGOs, their leaders and causes do not have equal access and visibility due to historic marginalization and complex geographies

Reduce disparities driven by systemic inequality through a Gender Equity Diversity and Inclusion guided method

Prioritizing NGOs serving the most vulnerable communities facing extreme challenges

Identifying inclusive and proximate leaders, community centricity, and vulnerabilities across gender, caste, geography, religion, disability, and socio-economic status

Normalizing scoring across critical parameters to select NGOS basis an intersectional and GEDI-powered approach

There are multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination; equal access to opportunities and resources for marginalized communities are critical

All NGOs, their leaders and causes do not have equal access and visibility due to historic marginalization and complex geographies

All NGOs, their leaders and causes do not have equal access and visibility due to historic marginalization and complex geographies

All NGOs, their leaders and causes do not have equal access and visibility due to historic marginalization and complex geographies


All NGOs, their leaders and causes do not have equal access and visibility due to historic marginalization and complex geographies

All NGOs, their leaders and causes do not have equal access and visibility due to historic marginalization and complex geographies

All NGOs, their leaders and causes do not have equal access and visibility due to historic marginalization and complex geographies


The unique selection process assesses organizations through the parameters of Leadership, Community Centricity, and Vulnerability (LCV) and prioritizes proximate leaders. The final selection is facilitated by an independent Investment Committee comprising diverse NGO leaders including existing portfolio grantee leaders.